Cream of Capriccio and chestnuts with grape jelly
(for 6-8 small glasses)FOR THE GRAPE JELLY :
1.2 dl Zymè passito wine
60 g grapes
30 g sugar
3 tbsps water
100 g chestnuts, boiled and blended with a mixer
100 g Capriccio cheese
130 ml fresh cream
20 ml rum
1 tbsp icing sugar
120 g muesli
6-8 boiled chestnuts
Prepare the jelly, cooking the sugar, water and grapes together in a saucepan over a medium heat for around 10 minutes; add the warm wine to the mixture and continue to cook for a few minutes.Pass the jelly through a vegetable mill and leave to cool. Mix all of the ingredients for the cream together until you get an even mixture.
Prepare to serve, placing a teaspoon of muesli at the bottom of each glass, followed by a spoonful of cheese cream and a thin layer of jelly. Decorate with roughly crumbled chestnuts.
AICI – Associazione Insegnanti di Cucina Italiana
Mariarosa Quintarelli’s recipe